4Dwight D Eisenhower. Public Papers of the Presi-dents. February, 1957 ( 17 ) :260.
5TIAS 3321 United Kingdom. Atomic energy(cooperation for civil uses). U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements, Washington: United States government printing office, 1955 ( 2 ) : 2709.
6TIAS 3322 United Kingdom. Atomic energy (information for mutual defense purposes). U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements, Washington: United States government printing office, 1955, vo16, part 2. 2721.
7TIAS 3608 United Kingdom, Atomic energy. U. S. Treaties and Other International Agreements, Washington: United States government printing office, volT, part 2.2057.
8Ritchie Ovendale. ALugloAmerican relations in the twentieth century [ M ]. Houndmitls : MacmiLlan, 1998. 118.
9Timothy J Botti The Long Wait: The Forging of the Anglo-American Nuclear Alliance [ M ]. New York Greenwood Press, 1987. 172.