Scholars have already agreed with the common view that the circulation industry is the leading industry of nation economy. But, the leading role of circulation can not be automatically realized. So, we should understand that the leading role of the circulation industry means service with higher efficiency, transmitting changes in consumption to production and leading supply to meet the requirement of this demand; based on resolving conflict of time and space, we should, first, further solve the problem of information asymmetry; second, we should streaming the pricing and transmitting mechanism and give full play to the role of the circulation industry in pricing, transmitting policy and adjusting price; third, we should improve the level of organization in the light of market system; fourth, we should construct the supply chain taking the circulation enterprises as the leading players; fifth, we should develop the circulation industry first, and provide industrial transfer with necessary commercial service; sixth, we should promote the transformation of profit-making pattern of this industry from depending on "bonus in joint operation" to depending on self-supporting, and encourage the circulation enterprises to cultivate their own brands.
China Business and Market
Circulation industry
leading role
transmitting mechanism