
玛丽娜·卡尔的女性叙事——《猫原边……》中的她者与阈限 被引量:5

Marina Carr's Female Narrative:Female Otherness and Liminality in By the Bog of Cats...
摘要 面对国家、民族、宗教以及父权话语中对女性的传统界定,玛丽娜·卡尔借用古希腊以及本土的神话框架,把女性从传统的家庭空间、妻子和母亲的角色中置换出来,提供了完整真实的女性经验,聚焦从民族独立到当代凯尔特老虎时代过程中被边缘化的爱尔兰女性,让观众直面女性的异类与反抗,发展出对传统女性形象的抵抗叙事。在《猫原边……》中,卡尔塑造出女主角海斯特这一精神独立的"她者"。海斯特在剧中身份的悬挂和不确定,具有典型的阈限特征,但正是由于她的阈限性,使其能站在主流文化之外,反对和摒弃社会的陈规习俗和价值观念。剧中的爱尔兰传统景观——伯格原反映着海斯特的阈限,成为其情感和心理的景观。 By pushing the boundaries of theatrical representation of female characters on Irish stage,Marina Carr celebrates women's full experience of life,the vehemence of their resistance,their will to freedom and independence.In By the Bog of Cats...,Carr subverts the patriarchal notion of home/homeland for Irish women and presents her heroine as a distintive other on the stage.As an Irish traveller and social outcast,Hester Swane is positioned in a liminal state which allows her to discern and develop the critique of corruption and obstinacy of the settled community.The Bog,an ancient mystified landscape,serves as an alternative space to accommodate her.
作者 李元
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期15-22,157,共8页 Foreign Literature
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  • 1Battersby, Eileen. "Marina of the Midlands." The Irish Times 4. May 2000. http://www, pgil-eirdata. org/html/pgil _ datasets/authors/c/Carr, Marina/ life. htm.
  • 2Carr, Marina. "Foreword." Women in Irish Drama.. A Century of Authorship and Repre- sentation. Ed. Melissa Sihra. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007.
  • 3Cullingford, Elizabeth Butler. Ireland's Others : Gender and Ethnicity in Irish Literature and Popular Culture. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 2001 .
  • 4Fouere, Olwen. "Journeys in Performance, On Pla- ying inThe Mai and By the Bog of Cats ...." The Theatre of Marina Carr : ' before rules was made '. Ed. Cathy Leeney and Anna McMullan. Dublin.. Carysfort, 2003.
  • 5Leeney, Cathy. "Ireland's ' Exiled ' Women Play- wrights: Teresa Deevy and Marina Carr." The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Irish Drama, Ed. Shaun Richards. Cambridge: CUP, 2004.
  • 6Moroney, Mic. "The Twisted Mirror: Landscapes, Mindscapes. Politics and Language on the Irish Stage." Druids, Dudes and Beauty Queens: The changing face of Irish Theatre. Ed. Dermot Bolger. Dublin: New Island, 2001.
  • 7Nash, Catherine. "Remapping and Renaming: New Cartographies of identiy, gender and landscape in Ireland." Feminist Review. Vol. 44 ( Summer, 1993) : 39-57.
  • 8Roche, Anthony. "Staging the Liminal in Eilis NiDhuibhne'sThe Fort of the Fairy Women is On Fire." Women in Irish Drama: A Century of Au- thorship and Representation.
  • 9Roche, Anthony. "Woman on the Threshold: J. M. Synge's The Shadow of the Glen ; Teresa Deevy's Katie Roche ; and Marina Cart's The Mai. " The Theatre of Marina Carr : ' before rules was made '.
  • 10Roche, Anthony.Contemporary Irish Drama: From Beckett to McGuinness. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1994.











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