

An Improved Algorithm for Noise Reduction of InSAR Phase
摘要 首先介绍了自适应矢量均值滤波算法的基本原理,接着对该算法提出改进性研究,并利用Microsoft Visual C++编程予以实现,最后将该算法用于实际合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR,Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry)的干涉图像,通过采用滤波评价指标,得出无论干涉图像中的条纹粗细与否,该算法在保持图像边缘的基础上对图像噪声均具有较好的抑制能力。实验结果表明对于处理含噪声较多的InSAR干涉图像,该算法相对容易实现。 The paper first briefly describes the basic principles of a filtering algorithm based on adaptive vector mean,then gives the research for improvement of the proposed algorithm,including the algorithm implementation with Microsoft Visual C++ program.The proposed algorithm is finally applied to InSAR(actual intervention of synthetic aperture radar interferometry) phase.Whether the interference fringes in the image are thick or thin,the filter evaluation indexes indicate that the filtering algorithm has better noise suppression and edge preservation.Experiment shows that,in processing of InSAR phase containing more noise,the algorithm is relatively easy to implement.
作者 邱涛
出处 《通信技术》 2011年第11期73-75,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术 滤波 自适应矢量均值 噪声 图像边缘 InSAR filtering adaptive vector mean noise image edge
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