This paper reports the therapeutic efficacyof combined heated BCCr dermographia andAn Weiling (Anweiling, containning polysacch-arides of Agricus bisporus, PSK and vit. B_6)in the trearment of 29 cases of HBsAg-positiveindividuals (9 were CPH and 20 were asymp-tomatic carriers) 26 were treated with thecommon vitamines as the controls. The thera-peutic period of time was 3 months. Theresult showed that the HBsAg titers in ther-apeutic group were universally decreased. HBs-Ag titers in their sera were apparently de-creased. The decrased rate. was 79.3%, and inthe control group (11 CPH and 15 carriers)was 7.6%. The difference between the twogroups was highly significant (p<0.05). Thegeomeitrical mean titer of HBsAg in BCG-Anweilig group were universally decreased,while in the controls were generally increased.It is concluded that combined BCG and Anwe-iling reduces serum concentration of HBsAg-particles, and may bo of great value of epide-miology in the prevention of Hepatitis B.
Guangdong Medical Journal