目的观察及比较SD大鼠、Beagle犬、新西兰白兔主泪腺的解剖学和形态学特点。方法 SD大鼠、Bea-gle犬和新西兰白兔的主泪腺剖取并用12%福尔马林固定,进行石蜡切片、HE染色和PAS染色,光学显微镜观察。结果 SD大鼠的眶外泪腺和眶内泪腺均为管泡状的浆液性腺;Beagle犬的主泪腺属于管泡状混合性腺,腺组织被结缔组织分成大小不等的小叶,小叶间结缔组织中可见数量不等的脂肪细胞、淋巴细胞和浆细胞,叶内导管为单层立方上皮;新西兰白兔的主泪腺是以浆液性腺泡为主的混合性腺,第三眼睑上腺为浆液性腺,结构与主泪腺相似。其中新西兰白兔还有一特殊的腺体——哈氏腺(Harder'sgland),它是兔眼的特殊结构,为皮脂腺,分泌油脂润滑眼球表面及结膜囊,也起脂肪垫缓冲保护作用。
Objective To research and observe the anatomy location,structure and morphology of lacrimal glands in SD rats,beagle dogs and New Zealand white rabbits.Methods The lacrimal glands were removed from SD rats,beagle dogs and New Zealand white rabbits,then fixed with 12% formalin,embedded with paraffin,stained with HE and PAS staining and observed under light microscopy.Results The outer and the inner lacrimal glands of SD rats were tubulo-alveolar serous glands.The beagle dog dorsal lacrimal glands were tubulo-alveolar mixed glands which were separated by connective tissue into lobules.The epithelium of inter-lobular ducts was cuboidal epithelium,and some fat cells,lymphocytes cells and plasma cells could be found in connective tissue between lobules.The dormal lacrimal glands of New Zealand white rabbit were mixed gland which mainly consisted of serous acini.The superior glands of the third eyelid were serous glands,the structure is similar to the dormal lacrimal glands of New Zealand white rabbit.In addition,New Zealand white rabbits had a special gland,Harder's gland,which was the special structure of rabbit eyes.Harder's gland,which is sebaceous gland,could secrete lipid lubricated ocular surface and conjunctival sac and play a fat pad cushioning protection.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology