目的应用组织多普勒心肌速度分布图(myocardial velocity profile,MVP)探讨30名玉树抗震救灾官兵急进高原前后乳头肌水平左室短轴方向后壁心肌速度梯度(MVG)及丝裂原激活的蛋白激酶(p38)、心锚重复蛋白(CARP)的变化。方法记录30名抗震救灾官兵左室短轴方向后壁MVP,根据心内膜下心肌速度与心外膜下心肌速度之差与室壁厚度比值得出MVG;同时检测外周血中p38及CARP。结果抗震救灾官兵在高原缺氧环境下p38及CARP均增加(P<0.05),舒张期心内膜下心肌运动速度(DVend)减低,心肌厚度(Dd)增加、心肌速度梯度(MVGD)也减低(P值均>0.05),收缩期心肌厚度(Sd)、心肌速度及心肌速度梯度(MVGS)改变无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 p38、CARP和MVGD是反映急进高原人员心肌损伤的敏感指标,加强急进高原地区救援工作人员的低氧防护非常必要。
Objective The tissue Doppler myocardial velocity profile(MVP) was used to discuss 30 anti-seismic soldiers of the radical Yushu papillary muscles before and after the plateau level of the posterior wall of the left ventricular short axis myocardial velocity gradient(MVG) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase(p38),center anchored repeat protein(CARP) of the change.Methods The 30 anti-seismic soldiers' MVP of left ventricular posterior wall in short-axis section was recorded,and the myocardial velocity gradient(MVG) was obtained according to the ratio of the difference between the subendocardial myocardial velocity and subepicardial myocardial velocity and the thickness of ventricular wall;at the meantime,the changes of CARP and p38 cytokines in peripheral blood were detected.Result Anti-seismic soldiers in high altitude environment,p38 and CARP were increased(P0.05),subendocardial myocardial velocity(DVend) reduced,myocardial thickness(Dd) and myocardial velocity gradient(MVGD) also reduced(P0.05),systolic myocardial thickness(Sd),heart rate and myocardial velocity gradient(MVGS) no significant change(P0.05).Conclusion CARP,p38 and MVGD are sensitive indicators of reflecting the myocardial injury of rescue workers ascending quickly to highland,so it is very essential to strengthen hypoxia protection of workers ascending quickly to highland.
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy