
制造业价值链拓展升级、结构调整与经济持续增长 被引量:5

Value Chains Expanding Upgrade of Manufacturing,Structural Adjusting,and Sustained Growth
摘要 本文通过分析表明,我国目前面临的多种结构性问题和矛盾的主要根源在于我国制造业在全球生产价值链中的位置低下,因此驱使制造业沿着生产价值链路径向上拓展升级就是我国实现经济结构调整、转变经济增长方式的必由之路。我国经济发展已形成的制造业大国格局和高等教育快速发展所带来的劳动力人力资本结构变化,使我国的要素禀赋发生了很大变化,已为我国制造业的转型升级提供了必备的条件。在制造业沿着生产价值链阶梯拓展升级的路径上,企业生产技术水平和研发实力的不断提升,以及自主品牌的策划营销和市场的不断开拓,是其中的两个关键环节。制造业的转型升级是一个长期的过程,既需要企业自身的努力,也需要政府在制度和政策上加以鼓励和引导,并在税收和融资等方面加以扶持。 This paper analyzes the structural problems China's manufacturing industry lies in low position on global long the value chains is the only path to adjusting economic in China and shows that the main reason is that value chains, so the manufacturing structures and transforming the way upgrading a- of economicgrowth. The pattern of a big manufacturing country been changed the economy' s endowment of China, and the change and provided the China's manufacturing industry. On the upgrade path marketing of own brand productions are key strategies. of human capital structure in labor have necessary conditions for the upgrading of along the value chain, both technology innovation and Transformation and upgrading of the manufacturinz sec-tor is a long process, which requires the efforts of their own, the governments also need to encourage and sup- port by tax and financing policies.
作者 雷钦礼
出处 《产经评论》 2011年第6期32-43,共12页 Industrial Economic Review
关键词 制造业 价值链 拓展升级 结构调整 经济增长 manufacturing value chains expanding upgrade structural adjustment economic growth
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