
涂层厚度对玄武岩长丝振膜织物吸声性能的影响 被引量:1

The influence of coating thickness on the basalt filament diaphragm fabric's absorption properties
摘要 主要讨论了涂层厚度对玄武岩长丝振膜织物的弹性模量和平均吸声系数的影响。本试验在CSW小样织机上试织了玄武岩长丝平纹织物,在Werner Mathis AG LTF97885涂层机上对试织织物进行涂层,使用Instron3380型多功能试验仪和VA-Lab4 IMP-AT材料吸声系数测试系统分别测试了振膜织物的弹性模量和吸声系数,讨论了涂层厚度对弹性模量和平均吸声系数的影响,并使用MATLAB7.0数学处理软件对玄武岩长丝振膜织物的平均吸声系数和涂层厚度进行一元二次回归分析,得出最优涂层厚度。结论:当涂层厚度为0.10 mm左右时,玄武岩长丝振膜织物的断裂强力和弹性模量均优良;当涂层厚度为0.16 mm时,玄武岩长丝振膜织物的平均吸声系数最大。试验结果为玄武岩长丝在声学上的应用提供了一定的理论依据,应该加大玄武岩长丝用作振膜材料的开发,扩展玄武岩纤维及其织物的应用领域。 This paper focused on a comparative study on influence of coating thickness on elastic modulus and average absorption coefficient.Basalt filament diaphragm fabrics were woven with CSW-03 sample loom,using the Werner Mathis AG LTF97885 coating machine to coat the fabrics,using 3380 Instron-based multi-function tester and VA-Lab4 IMP-AT Materials Testing respectively to test and analysis basalt filament diaphragm fabric's elastic modulus and absorption coefficient.Matlab7.0 mathematical processing software was used to analysis the effect relationship between the coating thickness and the average absorption coefficient of basalt diaphragm filament,and to get the optimal relationship points between coating thickness and absorption coefficient.Conclusions:when the coating thickness was about 0.10 mm,the breaking strength and elastic modulus were both well;when the coating thickness was 0.16 mm,the average absorption coefficient was best.The results provided a scientific basis for the development of the basalt filament diaphragm and must promote the product development of basalt fiber,and increase the market competitiveness.
出处 《产业用纺织品》 北大核心 2011年第10期23-26,共4页 Technical Textiles
关键词 玄武岩长丝振膜织物 涂层厚度 弹性模量 吸声系数 振膜材料 basalt filament diaphragm fabric coating thickness elastic modulus absorption coefficient diaphragm material
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