
太湖湖滨湿地沉积物氮磷与2种挺水植物氮磷的关系 被引量:10

Relationship between N and P contents in sediments and two emerged plants in Taihu Lakeside wetland
摘要 在无锡太湖湖滨带布设3条样带、36个样点进行了调查,分析了表层沉积物(0~15 cm)和芦苇(Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.)、茭白(Zizania latifolia(Griseb.)Turcz.)2种挺水植物w(N)、w(P)的变化,揭示了沉积物N、P的空间分布以及与2种挺水植物N、P的关系。结果表明:(1)表层沉积物w(N)自上而下分别为7.89~4.24 mg.g-1(0~5 cm)、7.56~3.81 mg.g-1(0~10 cm)、7.61~3.77 mg.g-1(0~15 cm),w(P)分别为1.293~0.532 mg.g-1(0~5 cm)、1.112~0.497 mg.g-1(0~10 cm)、0.952~0.471 mg.g-1(0~15 cm)。(2)生态修复区表层沉积物N、P的水平变化规律一致,按陆向辐射区-水位变幅区-水向辐射区依次递减,而从垂直变化来看,w(N)、w(P)均以表层最高,并依次向下层递减;硬质护坡区P的变化与之一致,但N的水平分布却按陆向辐射区-水位变幅区-水向辐射区依次递增,垂直分布呈现表层最低,并依次向下层递增变化。(3)2种挺水植物w(N)、w(P)不同,芦苇对N、P的吸收明显高于茭白(芦苇地上部分w(N)31.75~42.61 mg.g-1,地下部分w(N)13.57~18.21 mg.g-1;茭白地上w(N)14.78~23.57 mg.g-1,地下部分w(N)13.57~18.21 mg.g-1,而芦苇地上部分w(P)3.62~5.08 mg.g-1,茭白地上部分w(P)1.42~1.93 mg.g-1,地下部分w(P)0.35~0.57 mg.g-1)。2种挺水植物地上部分N、P吸收量远远大于地下部分吸收量。(4)相关分析表明,2种植物地下部分w(TP)与沉积物w(TP)呈正相关,而芦苇地下部分w(TP)与沉积物w(TP)相关性显著(P〈0.05),说明芦苇根系对沉积物中的P具有强烈吸附作用。(5)2种植物对太湖中沉积物N、P分配有显著影响,生态恢复区沉积物中w(N)显著高于硬质护坡,而w(P)较硬质护坡显著降低,适度恢复水生植被可有效缓解湖泊水体的富营养化。 Three sample lines and 36 surface sediments(0~15 cm) were surveyed and sampled from various sections in riparian zone of Tai Lake Wu Xi,N and P mass fraction in sediments and two emerged plants(Phragmites australis and Zizania latifolia)were analyzed,relationship between them were discussed too.The results showed that:(1)N contents in surface sediments were from top to bottom 7.89-4.24 mg?g-1(0-5 cm)、7.56-3.81 mg?g-1(0-10 cm)、7.61-3.77 mg?g-1(0-15 cm);P were 1.293-0.532 mg?g-1(0-5 cm)、1.112-0.497 mg?g-1(0-10 cm)、0.952-0.471 mg?g-1(0-15 cm).(2)Horizontal change pattern of N and P of sediments in ecological restoration area(ⅠandⅡ) were consistent,that was declined according to the order,the terrestrial area,the transition area of water and terrene,the water area,while that of N and P in vertical direction was that the N and P contents was the most in surface sur-face(0-5cm),and it declined to the low.The change of P in cement slope area(Ⅲ)were so,but that of N reversed.(3) N and P contents of two emerged plants were different,absorption of N and P of P.australis was higher than Z.latifolia.According to the analyzed results,N contents of P.australis was 31.75-42.61 mg?g-1 in overground part(OP),13.57-18.21 mg?g-1in underground parts(UP);that of Z.latifolia was 14.78-23.57 mg?g-1(OP) and 13.57-18.21 mg?g-1(UP).P absorption of P.australis was 3.62~5.08 mg?g-1(OP),and that of Z.latifolia was 1.42-1.93 mg?g-1(OP),0.35~0.57 mg?g-1(UP).Their absorption of both N and P in OP was bigger than tha in UP.(4)The correlation analyze showed TP in UP of two emerged plants and TP in sediments has a positive correlation,and the corre-lation of P.australis was obvious(p0.05),so sorption of P.australis roots to P in sediments was very strong.(5)Two emerged plants has important effects on the distribution of N and P in sediments,N contents in ecological restoration area was higher than that in cement slope area,but P contents chang reversed,so the reasonable restoration emerged plants in lakeside wetland was one of the effective measures to relieve the eutrophication.
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1523-1529,共7页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项(200904001) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2010094)
关键词 太湖 湖滨湿地 水生植物 沉积物 氮、磷 Taihu Lake lakeside wetland Zizania latifolia Phragmites australis sediments N P
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