
Silicon photomultiplier readout system for the ECAL in the PEBS and test results from the system

Silicon photomultiplier readout system for the ECAL in the PEBS and test results from the system
摘要 Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have remarkable advantages for use in photo-detection. Compared with PMT, SiPM shows advantages of high gain, excellent time resolution, insensitivity to magnetic fields and a lower operating voltage. SiPMs from Hamamatsu are used in the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) sub-detector in the Positron Electron Balloon Spectrometer (PEBS) experiment, a balloon-borne spectrometer experiment aiming at the precise measurement of the cosmic-ray positron fraction. This paper introduces the evaluation and test results of several SiPM detector types, the dedicated front-end application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) electronics and the design of the data acquisition system (DAQ) system. Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have remarkable advantages for use in photo-detection. Compared with PMT, SiPM shows advantages of high gain, excellent time resolution, insensitivity to magnetic fields and a lower operating voltage. SiPMs from Hamamatsu are used in the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) sub-detector in the Positron Electron Balloon Spectrometer (PEBS) experiment, a balloon-borne spectrometer experiment aiming at the precise measurement of the cosmic-ray positron fraction. This paper introduces the evaluation and test results of several SiPM detector types, the dedicated front-end application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) electronics and the design of the data acquisition system (DAQ) system.
出处 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1139-1142,共4页 中国物理C(英文版)
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