Around the whole world,the popularity of ZARA and H&M showcases the magic of "fast-fashion".Consumers do not care how many clothes in their closets,but they concern more about how long they could have the latest on-trend suits.However,it is not easy for each fashion brand to carry out the "fast-fashion" operational development mode.Whereas,in China,PEACEBIRD applies the unique mode,its annual 40% sales growth rate once again proves the charm of "fast-fashion".
Around the whole world, the popularity of ZARA and H&M showcases the magic of "fast-fashion". Consumers do not care how many clothes in their closets, but they concern more about how long they could have the latest on-trend suits. However, it is not easy for each fashion brand to carry out the "fast- fashion" operational development mode. Whereas, in China, PEACEBIRD applies the unique mode, its annual 40% sales growth rate once again proves the charm of "fast-fashion".