
基于决策树选择模型的物联网隐私信息保护策略研究 被引量:1

Strategy of Privacy Information Protection for Internet of Things Based on the Choice Model of Decision-tree
摘要 结合决策树分析模型和用户新技术采纳行为研究方法,通过情景模拟和现场培训,采用方便样本抽样调查,让被调查者对物联网背景下的个人隐私信息保护的5个策略:销毁标签、用户模式、机器模式、企业自律、法律限制进行选择,并分析了策略间的关系。结果表明,尽管了解到保留RFID标签能够带来很多益处,被调查者依然不相信自动的复杂信息保护方式,而是宁愿销毁标签。为此,建立良好的诚信机制和增加对消费者隐私信息保护的透明度是消除消费者心理障碍的重要措施。 Based on the decision search and with the simulation and tree analysis on-site tralmng, spondents choose the strategies of privacy protection new technology adoption of user's behavior rethis article makes the convenient sample of re- for internet of things, which include kill tags, user model, machine model, the enterprise self-discipline and legal restriction. Then it analyzes the relationship between different strategies. The main conclusion is that users would not trust complex privacy protecting technology as they are envisioned today. Instead, they prefer to kill RFID chips at store even if they appreciate after sales services. Therefore, constructing a credit mechanism and increasing the transparency of information to consumers' privacy is a good way to eliminate psychological harriers of consumers.
作者 吴亮 邵培基
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2011年第12期1872-1878,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60971078) 贵州省科技厅联合基金资助项目(LISS200947)
关键词 决策树 物联网 隐私信息 信息保护策略 实证研究 decision-tree internet of things privacy information strategy of privacy protection empirical study
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