
“云计算”概念的分析研究——协同智能计算系统的一个特例 被引量:1

Analysis on the Concept of"Cloud Computing":A Case of the Collaborative Intelligence System
摘要 本文作者拟从云计算提出的源头及其可能的新发展两个方面来对它做一个系统的分析和展望。旨在为云计算理论与技术的普及和提高开辟新途径。自2006谷歌101项目公开提出云计算(cloud computing)至今,信息产业界说它是一种新的商业模式,信息技术界却说它是软件服务(SaaS)、平台服务(PaaS)和基础设施服务(IaaS)三个不同层次的互联网技术的融合,通信与计算机科学界则说它是一种有别于既有范式的新的计算模式,另外还有各种各样的具体说法。然而就是缺乏一个系统周全而又简明扼要的理论描述或定义,尤其缺乏英汉双语对照的解释。笔者认为,这对云计算理论与技术的普及和提高均为不利。 In this paper the authors attempt to make a systematic analysis and outlook on "cloud computing" from two aspects, namely the source of the proposed "cloud computing" and its possible development, aiming to open up new ways for the popularization and improvement of"cloud computing" theory and technology. Since Google advanced "cloud computing" openly in its "101 project" in 2006, the information industry sector has said that it is a new business model and information technology sector has qualified it as an integration of three different levels of Interact technology, namely software as a services (SaaS), platform as a services (PaaS) and infrastructure as a services (IaaS), while communications and computer science sector has constructed it as a new computing model that is different from the existing paradigm. Besides these, there are also a variety of specific statements. Nevertheless, what we lack is a comprehensive yet concise theoretical description or definition on it, especially the lack of English-Chinese bilingual Comparison interpretation, which in the authors' opinion has a negative impact on the popularization and improvement of"cloud computing" theory and technology.
出处 《软件》 2011年第9期1-4,8,共5页 Software
基金 SINO-US Searle Research Project:Bilingual Information Processing No.20110128
关键词 云计算理论 云计算技术 云计算服务 Cloud Computing Theory Cloud Computing Technology Cloud Computing Service
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