
矢量空间数据渐进传输研究进展 被引量:8

An Overview on Progressive Transmission of Vector Spatial Data
摘要 渐进传输被认为是解决目前海量空间数据传输与实时用户体验之间矛盾的有效方法。栅格数据渐进传输的相关研究比较成熟,但矢量数据的渐进传输理论和技术还存在问题。为了推进矢量数据渐进传输的相关研究,该文对与矢量数据渐进传输密切相关的二维矢量数据、三维表面模型两种数据的多分辨率表达和渐进传输的研究现状进行归纳与总结,指出相关研究的发展方向,为海量空间数据适用于分布式网络传输提供参考依据。 The progressive transmission strategy is considered to be an effective way to balance contradiction between scheduling the massive spatial data and the real time user experience.Research on the progressive transmission of raster data is fairly sophisticated and mature,while various problems of the theory and technology of vector data′s progressive transmission are still required to be tackled.Aiming at promoting the research of vector data′s progressive transmission,and providing references for research of the distributed network transmission of massive spatial data,this paper focuses on leveraging and summarizing the complementary past and ongoing research of the multi-resolution expression and the progressive transmission of 2D vector data and 3D surface model data which is closely related to the progressive transmission of vector data.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期6-12,40,共8页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家"863"重点课题子课题项目"基于广域网的虚拟月球环境构建研究"(2010AA122202) 国家自然科学基金项目"像素无损的矢量地理数据高效传输机制研究"(41001223) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目
关键词 空间数据 矢量数据 渐进传输 spatial data vector data progressive transmission
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