
丘脑在舒芬太尼中枢镇痛中的作用 被引量:3

Role of Thalamus in Central Analgesia of Sufentanil: a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
摘要 目的探讨舒芬太尼的中枢镇痛机制。方法选择健康受试者17例(男8例,女9例),依次在基础阶段和靶控输注舒芬太尼(0.2 ng/ml)后行功能磁共振(fMRI)扫描。选取丘脑为感兴趣脑区,应用SPM软件对所有实验数据进行处理。结果靶控输注舒芬太尼后,与丘脑功能连接减弱的脑区包括双侧额叶直回、左侧额叶眶后回;与丘脑功能连接增强的脑区包括双侧小脑、右侧扣带回及左侧颞中回(P<0.001,cluster>13 mm3)。结论丘脑是舒芬太尼中枢镇痛机制中起到重要作用的脑区。额叶直回、左侧额叶眶后回、右侧扣带回、小脑及左侧颞中回与丘脑间功能连接的变化可能是舒芬太尼中枢镇痛机制中的重要组成部分。 Objective To explore the analgesic mechanisms of sufentanil.Methods 17(8 male,9 female) healthy right-handed volunteers received functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) scan before and after sufentanil 0.2 ng/ml administration respectively.Thalamus was as the region of interest(ROI).All the processing works were carried out using the Statistical Parametric Mapping.Results Compared with the basic state,significantly weaker functional connectivity was mainly found in the region of bilateral rectal gyrus and the left inferia orbital gyrus of the frontal lobe,while significantly greater functional connectivity was found in bilateral cerebellum,the right cingulate gyrus and the left middle temporal gyrus(P0.001,cluster13 mm3).Conclusion Thalamus plays a key role in the central analgesia of sufentanil,which associated with the functional connectivity of bilateral rectal gyrus and the left inferia orbital gyrus of the frontal lobe,bilateral cerebellum,the right cingulate gyrus and the left middle temporal gyrus.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2011年第11期1035-1038,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2007CB512503)
关键词 舒芬太尼 功能磁共振成像 功能连接 丘脑 sufentanil functional magnetic resonance imaging functional connectivity thalamus
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