
厌氧膨胀床处理低浓度污水的污泥颗粒和生物活性变化 被引量:1

Sludge granulation and biological activity in EGSB for treatment of low concentration wastewater
摘要 污泥的聚集形态和活性,是影响厌氧反应器处理效率的关键因素。通过对厌氧膨胀床反应器(anaerobic ex-panded blanket reactor,AEBR)处理低浓度城镇污水在启动和稳定运行期的污泥活性研究,AEBR在启动运行期内,接种颗粒污泥为适应低浓度基质条件,污泥粒径经历从大变小,再重新颗粒化粒径变大的过程。在运行期第103天,粒径小于1 000μm污泥的体积比达到44.7%,平均粒径为952μm,到运行期第173天,粒径小于1 000μm污泥的体积比降为28%,平均粒径达1 179μm,污泥重新颗粒化完成。颗粒污泥适应新的环境后,单位重量污泥的最大比产甲烷活性(specific metha-nogensis activity,SMA)值和胞外聚合物含量增加,分别达到112 mL CH4/(g VSS.d)和215 mg/g VSS。在处理实际城镇污水的AEBR反应器内,辅酶F420含量可以有效指示污泥样品的产甲烷活性,AEBR反应器不同高度位置的污泥活性不一样,反应器底部污泥活性低于中上部区域污泥的活性。 Aggregation status and activity of the sludge were the key factors of the treatment efficiency of anae- robic reactor. Sludge activity of anaerobic expanded blanket reactor (AEBR) in start-up and operation stage was re- searched. The results showed the inoculated sludge size changing from big to small and granular sludge forming again for adaptation of new conditions. After start-up operation of 103 day, the volume percentage of the sludge less than 1 000μm reached 44.7% ,and the average size was 952μm. After start-up operation of 173 day, the volume percent- age of the sludge less than 1 000μm reached 28% , and the average size was 1 179μm. It could be considered that granular regeneration accomplished. After start-up adaptation, SMA (specific methanogensis activity) and extracellular polymer content increased to 112 mL CH4/(g VSS · d) and 215 mg/g VSS, respectively. In steady-state operation period, coenzyme F420 content was an effective indicator of methane productivity activity of sludge in AEBR for treat- ment of sewage. The sludge activity of the samples from different height of the AEBR was different. Sludge activity of the sample from the bottom was less than the one from the upper zone of the reactor.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期2668-2672,共5页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 国家科技攻关计划项目(2003BA808A17)
关键词 厌氧膨胀床反应器 低浓度污水 颗粒污泥 污泥活性 anaerobic expanded blanket reactor low concentration wastewater granular sludge sludge activity
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