对ClO2-I2-CH2(COOH)2-H2SO4化学振荡封闭体系,改变体系中各反应物的初始浓度,在350 nm处检测I3-的吸光度随反应时间的变化,结果发现丙二酸、碘及硫酸的初始浓度越高,二氧化氯的浓度越低,振荡的振幅越大,波数越少;当反应组分浓度较高时反应物一经混合振荡立即出现,没有诱导期,但当反应组分浓度较低时存在诱导期。
The initial concentration of every reagent was changed in the chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid-sulfuric acid oscillator in a closed system,and the system was investigated by determining the absorbance of I-3 with reaction time at 350 nm.As a result,the higher was the initial concentration of malonic acid,iodine or sulfuric acid,the bigger was the amplitude.Also,the number of oscillations became small.An opposite influence existed for chlorine dioxide.The oscillation occurred as long as the reactants mixed when the concentrations of components were comparatively high.However,the oscillation was preceded by a pre-oscillatory or induction period when the concentrations of components were relatively low.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry