
集成成像立体显示技术研究进展 被引量:3

Progress in Integral Imaging Display Technology
摘要 集成成像立体显示是一种水平和垂直方向同时具有运动视差的真三维立体显示技术。本文概述了集成成像立体显示在显示三维图像时存在的景深范围小,视角范围窄,赝像等问题,介绍了提升景深范围、扩大视角、消除赝像的技术方法。介绍了利用子图像阵列进行计算机三维虚拟重建的最新研究进展。通过研究指出,具有二维和三维显示模式转换功能的集成成像立体显示技术是超薄型真三维立体显示器的重要发展方向。 Integral imaging is a three-dimensional display technology that can provide both horizontal and vertical motion parallax.In this paper the problems of current integral imaging technology,such as depth of view,viewing angle,pseudoscopic image,have been discussed.And the methods that developed to solve these problems are reviewed.The progress in computational integral imaging reconstruction is also introduced.Recent progress indicates that a 2D and 3D convertible integral imaging display is a promising technology for a super-slim real-3D auto-stereoscopic display in the future.
出处 《真空电子技术》 2011年第5期16-21,共6页 Vacuum Electronics
关键词 应用光学 综述 集成成像 立体显示 Applied optics Review Integral imaging Auto-stereoscopic display
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