

Conflict and Integration:Embedded Information Technology and the Reconstruction of Organizational Structure——Based on the Perspective of "The Technology Enactment Framework"
摘要 随着数字时代的来临,探究电子政务与官僚制组织之间的互动关系成为研究课题。目前在国内的研究文献中,论者多是受传统研究路径的影响,循着技术与结构的方向开展研究,强调在"谁改变谁"的层面做出"变化是什么"的推论,但这种方式容易让人产生"似是而非"的判断。本文以"技术执行分析框架"为视角,从信息技术与组织结构在实践中的互动机制为观察点展开研究,进而对中国政府改革进程中信息技术促进公共部门革新的方式和路径做出分析。 With the advent of the digital age,exploring the interaction between e-government and bureaucracy turns into a meaningful research topic.Among literatures of domestic research,commentators are more affected by traditional research path,and followed the linear direction of technology and structure,emphasizing on making inferences of "what is the change" in the level of "who change who".However,the mere discussion of the theory and the metaphysical level is too easy to have a plausible judge.This pape based on the perspective of Professor Jane·Fantine's "The Technology Enactment Framework",and see the interaction mechanisms of information technology and organizational structure in practice as the observation point to start the study,then making a more profound analysis about the way and path of information technology innovating public sector in the process of Chinese government reform.
机构地区 复旦大学
出处 《行政与法》 2011年第11期12-16,共5页 Administration and Law
基金 国家社科基金项目"网络参与和地方政府治理创新研究"的阶段性成果 项目编号:10BZZ029
关键词 电子政务 官僚制组织 技术执行分析框架 e-government bureaucratic organization technology enactment framework
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