
关联数据在公安情报研判系统的应用 被引量:9

Linked Data in the Public Security Intelligence Judged System
摘要 为消除公安系统中的信息孤岛,维护各部门之间数据的一致性与完整性,促进数据的共享,提公安信息的共享和深度挖掘、综合利用水平,让信息化更好地服务于实战需求,本文使用语义万维网关键技术——关联数据技术实现数据的整合和共享。遵循W3C关联数据的四项原则,为公安系统的多个业务系统建立统一数据模型,通过调查研究建立公安情报研判系统本体模型,使用RDF描述大量异构、重复建设的数据,并以此为数据整合的基础,使用并加以改进国外使用比较成熟的命名实体提取工具Scones,链接发现工具Silk,数据转换工具RDFizer及其他工具,设计出适用于公安系统的关联数据模型,有效地与原有的业务系统、数据仓库、分析工具和人机界面结合,以实现自动化或半自动化的情报研判工作。 In order to eliminate islands of information in public security system,to maintain data consistency and integrity among various departments promote data share, improve the level of share, and depth of mining, and utilize public security information, information is used to better serve the real demands. We use key technology of semantic web-linked data technology to achieve integration and data shareand follow the W3 C' s four principles in Linked da- ta, for the public security system' multiple business systems to establish a unified data model. Through research to establish public security intelligence judged system ontology model, we use the RDF description of a large number of heterogeneous and duplication of data and use it as data of integration basis, use more mature improved use of sub- ject concept or named entities tools, Scones, link discoveing framework, Silk, data conversion tools, RDFizer and other tools , design linked data model for the public security system, and effectively combine with the existing sys- tems, data warehouse, analytic tools and human-machine interface to achieve automate or semi-automated judge in- telligence.
出处 《贵州科学》 2011年第2期26-31,共6页 Guizhou Science
基金 贵州省国际科技合作计划项目(黔科合外G字[2010]7026号)
关键词 公安领域 关联数据 RDF police domain,linked data, RDF
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