扇区水泥胶结图像是通过扇区水泥胶结测井仪器(Scan Bound Tool,SBT)获得的。仪器的底端是发射探头,在距离发射探头0.6m处安装了一个接收探头。接收探头用一个压电圆管,分成8个等间隔的扇区极化,每个扇区接收到一个波形,一共8个波形。用实验的方法研究了激发脉冲宽度和幅度对波形幅度和频率的影响。取出每个波形的首波幅度得到8条曲线,描述圆周8个扇区的水泥胶结情况。将每个深度点对应的8个幅值用颜色表示出来,得到整个圆周的水泥胶结图像。由于圆周方向只有8个扇区,分辨率比较低,图像边缘不清晰。对观测到的8个扇区的幅度值用高斯函数进行插值处理后,图像边缘得到了一定改善。分别用线性插值,二次插值处理后,图像连续、边缘清晰,对比度明显增强,整个圆周不同扇区水泥胶结的差异显示明显,为进一步分析扇区水泥胶结提供了基础。
A sector image of cement bond can be obtained by using a SBT logging tool.At the bottom of SBT,there is a transmitter with a circular receiver at a distance of 0.6 meters above the transmitter.On the receiver's surface,there are eight electrodes equally separated around the circle.Each electrode receives a waveform and total eight waveforms are in logging.In this paper,some experiments are made for studying the amplitude and frequency of waveforms by changing the pulse amplitude and width.The first positive half cycle from the each waveform is used to describe the quality of a sector of cement bond.The eight amplitudes show the image of cement bond in eight azimuths,so the image's resolution is lower and the edge of the image is not clear.In order to solve this problem,an interpolation method based on the Gauss function is introduced to improve the image resolution.The linear and quadratic interpolation methods are applied respectively.The better images are obtained to show the difference of different sectors of cement bond more evidently.This image can provide a reference for studying the quality of cement bond.
Technical Acoustics