
强度关联遥感成像技术 被引量:12

Intensity Correlation Imaging Technology for Remote Sensing
摘要 过去十多年中,利用光场的量子(或经典)涨落及其关联获取目标图像信息的量子(强度)关联成像技术和基于自适应稀疏结构表象的信号处理技术的不断发展,为图像信息的获取提供了一条可突破传统光学成像技术图像分辨率和图像获取效率理论极限的全新技术途径。文章将概括地介绍这一研究方向,并简要讨论其在遥感领域中的应用前景和需要进一步研究的若干课题。 In the past decade, due to the continuously development in the research fields of quantum (or intensity) correlation imaging technology which obtained the imaging information of objects via the quantum (or classic) fluctuation and their correlation of light fields and the signal processing technology with adaptive sparse structured representations, a new kind of imaging technology, which can break through the diffraction limit of imaging resolve ability and the Nyquist limit of imaging recording efficiency of conventional imaging equipments, has emerged. In the paper, a brief introduction of the state of the art of intensity correlation imaging technology and the possibility of its applications in remote sensing field, together with some topics which need more investigations, will be discussed and presented.
作者 韩申生
出处 《航天返回与遥感》 2011年第5期44-51,共8页 Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing
基金 国家863计划(2011AA120102)资助
关键词 强度关联成像 稀疏性 遥感 Intensity correlation imaging Sparsity Remote sensing
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