

The Research of Stereoscopic Imaging Technique Based on Single View
摘要 立体成像是获取目标三维轮廓信息的有效方法。目前,在航天航空领域立体成像方法主要包括:基于立体视觉原理的三线阵成像方法和主动式激光测距立体成像方法。这两种成像方式由于对平台要求较高或者无法得到目标的灰度图像而存在相应的缺陷。文章研究了一种新的单视角立体成像技术,通过对该技术的研究认为,单视角立体成像技术能够实现单台相机单次成像获取目标三维轮廓信息。 Stereoscopic imaging is an effective method to obtain the three-dimension profile information of the target. Currently, there are two stereoscopic imaging methods in the field of aerospace: three-line array imaging based on the principle of stereoscopic vision and active laser ranging imaging. Both of the two methods have defects, either higher platform condition requirement or grayscale images not be obtained. In this paper, a new stereoscopic imaging technique has been proposed. According to the study of this new technique, three-dimensional profile information of the target can be obtained through the single camera imaging one time based on the technique of single view stereoscopic imaging.
出处 《航天返回与遥感》 2011年第5期89-95,共7页 Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing
基金 国家重大科技专项工程
关键词 单视角 立体成像 光场渲染 高程分辨率 Single view Stereoscopic imaging Light field rendering Super-resolution
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