
稳定表达人Siat7e基因的MDCK细胞系的建立和全悬浮细胞的驯化 被引量:1

Generation of a MDCK Cell Line to Suspension Culture by Stably Experessing Human Siat7eGene
摘要 目的:现有的禽流感疫苗生产的方法已经不能适应工业化大生产的需求,有必要开发全悬浮培养的细胞系来满足大生产的需求。方法:我们通过转染稳定表达Siat7e基因的真核表达载体对MDCK细胞进行改造,并经过后期的驯化,筛选适应于全悬浮培养的MDCK细胞。结果:成功筛选到能稳定表达Siat7e基因并能适应全悬浮生长的细胞系。结论:该细胞系具有潜在的应用价值,为MDCK细胞的培养以及工业化大生产疫苗提供参考。 Object:Current influenza vaccine manufacturing have been unable to meet the demand of Industrialized production.Method: Anchorage-dependent MDCK cells were converted to anchorage-independent cells,capable of growing in suspension as a result of transfection with the human Siat7e gene(ST6GalNac V).Result:Successfully conversioned a MDCK cell line stably experessing human Siat7e and they were capable of growing in suspension cultures.Conclusion:These results are critical for establishing large-scale suspension culture of MDCK cells as subsequent well as large-scale vaccine production.
出处 《中国生物工程杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期75-80,共6页 China Biotechnology
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(nycytx-41-G07) 国家"973"计划(2011CB505003))资助项目
关键词 MDCK Siat7e 全悬浮 疫苗生产 MDCK Siat7e Suspension culture Vaccine manufacturing
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