

The Optimization Analysis of the Indoor Design Temperature of a Constant Temperature and Humidity Air-conditioning System Driven by Ground Source Heat Pump
摘要 针对上海某档案库房的地源热泵恒温恒湿空调系统,研究了冬夏季节不同室内设计温度对系统运行特性的影响。实验结果表明,冬夏季节的两种不同工况均能满足档案库房室内温湿度的控制要求。理论分析结果表明,夏季工况时,随着室内设计温度的升高,地源热泵恒温恒湿空调机组的COP基本保持不变,约为5.0,但减少了向土壤的排热量;冬季工况时,室内设计温度升高时,地源热泵恒温恒湿空调机组的COP略有升高,并且增加了从土壤中的取热量。综合考虑系统的节能性、稳定性以及档案保存的特殊性,夏季室内设计温度建议为22℃~24℃冬季室内设计温度建议为23℃~24℃。 According to different summer and winter indoor design temperature, this paper studies the operational characteristics of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system driven by a ground source heat pump in a archives in Shanghai. The experimental results show that the two different working conditions in summer and winter can meet the constant temperature and humidity requirements of the archives. The theoretical analysis results show, in summer, with indoor design temperature rising, the COP of the heat pump remains constant, about 5.0, but the heat injecting to the soil reduces; and in winter, the COP of the heat pump rises a little, and the heat extracting from the soil increases. Considering the system's energy efficiency, stability and the special nature of the archives, it is recommended that the range of the indoor design temperature is 22℃-24℃in summer and 23℃-24℃ in winter.
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2011年第5期14-19,共6页 Building Energy & Environment
基金 上海市科委科研计划项目(07DZ12021) 教育部博士点基金(200802481115)
关键词 地源热泵 恒温恒湿 室内设计温度 热平衡 ground source heat pump, constant temperature and humidity, indoor design temperature, heat balance
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