

A quarantine pest Callosobruchus theobromae Linnaeus intercepted for the first time at port in China
摘要 本文介绍了从进境外轮食品舱中首次截获的可可豆象(Callosobruchus theobromae Linnaeus),并对其形态学特征、发生分布、寄主范围、生物学特性等进行了记述,为今后口岸检疫和鉴定提供借鉴。 A quarantine pest Callosobruchus theobromae Linnaeus was intercepted for the first time when the food cabin of the entry ship was inspected.This species is described in the paper by its morphology,geographic distribution,host range,and biological characteristics as the references for the port quarantine and identification in the future.
出处 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2011年第6期50-51,共2页 Plant Quarantine
关键词 可可豆象 截获 船舶检疫 Callosobruchus theobromae Linnaeus intercept ship quarantine
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