
Bicon种植体在牙周病性失牙患者中的临床效果观察 被引量:1

Clinical effects of Bicon implants for patients with tooth loss due to periodontal disease
摘要 目的观察Bicon种植体在牙周病性失牙患者中的临床效果。方法 46例牙周病性失牙,后牙区骨高度1.7~8mm的患者,共植入Bicon植体162枚,其中植入长度6mm的种植体107枚,长度8mm的种植体49枚,长度5.7mm的种植体6枚。上颌后牙区植入102枚,下颌后牙区植入60枚。其中上颌窦区牙槽骨高度不足的患者行经牙槽嵴上颌窦底提升术同期植入种植体,部分植体使用上颌窦基台固位。3~6个月后完成永久修复。结果 45例161枚植体完成修复后经至少12个月临床观察及X线检查,种植体颈部骨组织及种植体周围骨组织稳定。所有患者随访12个月以上,最长随访28个月。种植成功率99.4%。结论在牙周病性失牙患者中,Bicon短种植体可以简化手术,降低手术风险,缩短患者的治疗时间,并且在骨质疏松区域临床效果肯定。 Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of Bicon implants for patients with tooth loss due to periodontal disease.Methods A total of 162 bicon short implants were placed in 46 patients with 1.7-8 mm of bone in the posterior region(107 implants with length of 6.0mm,49 with length of 8mm,and 6 with length of 5.7mm).Among them 102 implants were placed in the posterior maxilla and 60 in the posterior mandible.Sinus lift was performed for patients with insufficient alveolar bone through bone crest.Some sinus abutments were used to fix the implant.After healing period of 3 to 6 months,crowns were completed.Results After a follow-up of 12~28 months,161 implants in 45 patients were clinically osseointegrated,and radiographic evaluation revealed bone consolidation,with the success rate of 99.4%.Conclusion The use of Bicon short implants in the posterior region of maxilla and mandible for patients with tooth loss due to periodontal disease can be considered as a reliable technique to simplify the operation,reduce operation risks,and shorten the treatment time.Meanwhile,it proves positive result in the region of osteoporosis.
出处 《现代口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2011年第6期427-430,共4页 Journal of Modern Stomatology
关键词 Bicon种植体 牙周病 Bicon implants Periodontal disease
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