[目的]了解煤矿开采区居民幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染状况,探讨影响其感染的主要因素,为制定有效的防治措施提供依据。[方法]2010年在济宁市某矿区开采区抽取263名6岁及以上居民,进行相关行为因素调查,检测血清HpIgG抗体。[结果]检测的263人中Hp IgG抗体阳性的151例,阳性率为57.41%。Hp IgG抗体男性阳性率为60.50%,女性为54.86%(P>0.05);6~10岁为28.57%,51~60岁为74.07%,随着年龄的增长有逐渐增长的趋势(P<0.01);未成年人时人均居住面积≤10m2的为65.22%,>10m2的为48.80%(P<0.01);家庭进餐形式为几代共进者为73.68%,核心家庭分餐者为50.80%(P<0.01);经常吃醋者为48.24%,不常吃醋者为61.80%(P<0.05);经常吃水果者为50.87%,不经常吃水果者为70.00%(P<0.01);婴儿时期经常口嚼喂养者为71.05%,从不口嚼喂养者为51.87%(P<0.01)。检测74对夫妻,双方Hp IgG抗体均阳性的33对,均阴性的12对,丈夫阳性妻子阴性的15对,丈夫阴性妻子阳性的14对(P>0.05)。子女Hp IgG抗体阳性率,父母均阳性者为62.50%,父母均阴性者为25.00%(P<0.01);父亲或母亲阳性者为54.35%。[结论]煤矿开采区居民Hp感染率较高,Hp感染受到诸多生活方式与习惯的影响,并存在家庭聚集性。
[Objective]To estimate the status and influence factors of Helicobacter pylori(Hp) infection in a coal-mine area,so as to provide scientific basis for the infection control. [Methods]A survey was conducted on relevant behaviors with a selfdesigned questionnaire among 263 residents aged 6 years and above in a coal-mine area of Jining in 2010,and the serum samples were collected simultaneously for measurement of Hp IgG antibody. [Results]The overall positive rate of Hp IgG among 263 residents of the coal-mine area was 57.41% (151/263),which was 60.50% for the male and 54. 86% for the female(P〉0.05). The positive rate of Hp IgG increased with age(P〈0.01) ,which was 28.57% in age group 6-10 years and 74.07% in age group 51-60 years. The positive Hp lgG status was significantly associated with living conditions during childhood 65.22% for average living area 410 m^2 ,and 48.80% for that 〉10 m^2 ( P 〈0.01) ,methods of eating in a family 73.68 % for several generations eating together and 50.80 % for nuclear families eating separately ( P 〈0.01 ) ,vinegar 48.24 % for often vinegar intake and 61.80% for seldom vinegar intake( P 〈0.05) and fruit intake 50.87% for often fruits intake and 70.00% for seldom fruits intake( P 〈0.01) ,and being fed with chewed foods as being an infant 71.05% for often be fed and 51.87% for never be fed with chewed foods( P 〈0.01). Among 74 couples detected,33 couples were all positive in Hp Ig G and 12 couples were all negative,while 15 couples were positive in husbands only and 14 couples were positive in wives only( P 〉0.05). The positive rate of Hp IgG among children whose parents were all positive, all negative in Hp IgG was 62.50 % and 25.00% ( P 〈0.01 ), and that was 54.35 % with only one parent positive. [Conelusion]The infection rate of Hp among residents of the coal mine area is at a high level. Hp infection is clustered in families,and influenced by a increasing number of living behaviors.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Coal mine
Helicobacter pylori
Influence factors