[目的]了解阳曲县甲乙类传染病的流行趋势和疫情变化规律,为制定相应的传染病防制策略提供科学依据。[方法]对阳曲县1955~2010年甲乙类传染病报告资料进行分析。[结果]阳曲县1955~2010年累计报告甲乙类传染病22种、28 689例,均为乙类传染病,年均发病率为407.27/10万。发病率1957年最高(2 138.31/10万),1969年最低(22.43/10万),总体呈下降趋势,2000~2010年回升。1955~1979年呼吸道传染病发病率居首位,1980~1999年肠道传染病居首位,2000~2010年居前5位的传染病是肺结核、病毒性肝炎、细菌性和阿米巴痢疾、淋病、梅毒。[结论]肺结核、血源和性传播疾病是阳曲县重点防治的传染病。
[Objective]To know prevalence and epidemic status of class A and B infectious diseases in Yangqu county, so as to provide scientific basis for the formulation of corresponding countermeasures for the prevention and control of the infectious diseases, [Methods]The data were analyzed from reports of Class A and B infectious diseases from 1955-2010 in Yangqu county. [Results]A total of 28 689 cases,including 22 types of Class A and B infectious diseases were reported in Yangqu county during 1955-2010. There were no Class A infectious diseases reported. The annual average incidence was 407.27/10^5 ,the peak of morbidity was 2 138.31/10^5 in 1957,and the lowest morbidity was 22.43/10^5 in 1969. The incidence of infectious diseases decreased, but increased slightly in recent 2000-2010. The respiratory infectious diseases were most prevalent during 1955-1979,and during 1980-1999 the intestinal infectious diseases were the highest. The top five diseases were tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, bacillary and amebic dysentery,gonorrhea,and syphilis during 2000-2010. [Conelusion]The prevention and control of tuberculosis, blood-borne and sexually transmitted diseases should be strengthened in Yangqu county.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Infectious disease