
渤海大气二氧化硫浓度分布及陆源输送研究 被引量:4

Study on concentration and transport characteristics of sulfur dioxide over the Bohai Sea
摘要 利用2005年OMI/Aura反演的大气边界层二氧化硫(SO2)垂直柱密度数据,分析了渤海大气SO2浓度分布时空变化特征,并利用FNL气象资料,运用HYSPLIT模型对渤海大气环流后向轨迹进行分析。研究表明:渤海海域大气SO2浓度随季节变化明显,在秋冬季SO2浓度比较高,在冬季高达6.187×1016cm-2;在春夏季SO2浓度都比较低,夏季是一年中最低的季节,约为3.766×1016cm-2;在不同季节SO2浓度空间分布极不均衡。通过后向轨迹分析发现,渤海大气SO2浓度主要受环渤海陆上地区影响,在冬季影响最强烈,在夏季相对弱些。 The spatiotemporal variation in SO2 over the Bohai Sea during 2005 was analyzed from the planetary boundary layer(PBL) SO2 column densities retrieved from aura ozone monitoring instrument(OMI) data.Using the HYSPLIT model and FNL reanalysis data,the backward trajectories arriving in the Bohai Sea were calculated in order to identify the lead contributors.The obtained results indicate that the SO2 concentration over the Bohai Sea varies greatly with seasons,the mean concentration of SO2 shows the high values in autumn and winter,low values in spring and summer.the highest value which exceeds 6.187×1016 cm-2 in winter,the lowest concentration is 3.766×1016 cm-2 in summer;moreover the SO2 concentration varies greatly in the spatial distribution in different seasons.The results of the backward trajectory analysis show that SO2 emission from the region around the Bohai Sea has great influence on the Bohai Sea,the influence is the greatest in winter and the weakest in summer.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期73-78,共6页
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2008BAC34B07) 江苏省属高校自然科学重大基础研究项目(08KJA170001) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目
关键词 二氧化硫 渤海 HYSPLIT模型 后向轨迹 sulfur dioxide Bohai Sea HYSPLIT backward trajectory
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