
原型范畴理论缺陷再议 被引量:11

Revisiting the Deficiencies of Prototype Theory
摘要 作为认知语言学的学理基础,原型理论对范畴内部结构解释较为充分,但也存在如下几个方面的缺陷:(1)就方法论而言,基于现象学研究的原型理论在实验方法、材料等多方面流于经验和主观;(2)原型理论和家族相似性在运作机制上存在根本差异,二者的简单相加必将导致该理论在本体论和认识论方面对范畴缺乏充足解释力;(3)该理论尚不能解释范畴中原型程度存在的差异,也无法说明原型效应的成因。 As the theoretical basis of cognitive linguistics, prototype theory works well in elucidating the internal struttore of category. Yet there still exist some flaws. Firstly, in terms of research methodology, phenomenology-based studies on prototype theory tend to be a posteriori and subjective. Secondly, prototype theory and the theory of family resemblance are fundamentally different from each other in their working mechanisms. The simple summation of the two inevitably results in insufficient explanatory power over category ontologically as well as epistemologically. Thirdly, prototype theory is not sufficient in expounding the difference in the gradience of prototypicality in category, nor is it capable of explicating the contributing factors. Based on a previous study done on the deficiencies of prototype theory from phenomenological studies, the paper attempts to further identify the strengths and weaknesses of the theory with a view to pursuing the research in the fight direction through critique and reflection.
作者 江桂英
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期42-48,共7页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"认知语言学与厦门大学公共英语课程建设"(201122G005)
关键词 原型理论 家族相似性 认知语言学 prototype theory, family resemblance, cognitive hnguistics
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