
泰勒锥的形成及应用 被引量:10

Research on formation and application of Taylor cone
摘要 带电液滴在电场中受力变形的现象得到了广泛的研究,而毛细管管口处的液滴在电场下则形成泰勒锥。本文综述了泰勒锥的研究历史、形成过程和在静电喷雾电离、静电纺丝以及在液滴滴定中的应用,使我们了解了泰勒锥的产生机理,从而做到对泰勒锥形成过程中各项参数的控制,为后续工作奠定基础。 The deformation of charged droplets in electric field had been widely studied,while the droplets in capillary nozzle under electric field could form Taylor cone.This paper reviews the investigation history,forming process of Taylor cones,and it's application in electrospray ionization,electrospinning and drop-on-demand method.Therefore,we further understand the mechanism of Taylor cone,and lay the foundation for later works.
出处 《计算机与应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期1387-1392,共6页 Computers and Applied Chemistry
关键词 泰勒锥 静电喷雾电离 静电纺丝 Taylor cone electrohydrodynamics ionization electrospinning
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