
流式细胞免疫表型分析在恶性淋巴瘤诊断中的应用研究 被引量:3

Application of Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping in the Diagnosis of Malignant Lymphoma
摘要 目的:探讨流式细胞免疫表型分析在恶性淋巴瘤诊断中的价值。方法:128例淋巴结肿大病例同时行细胞病理学、组织病理学、免疫组化及流式细胞免疫表型分析,其中38例同时行淋巴结细针穿刺针吸细胞学检查。结果:共诊断42例恶性淋巴瘤,其中霍奇金淋巴瘤4例、非霍奇金淋巴瘤32例,淋巴结细针穿刺针吸细胞学结合流式细胞免疫表型分析与组织病理结合免疫组化检查比较,对非霍奇金淋巴瘤诊断差异无统计学意义。结论:流式细胞免疫表型分析在非霍奇金淋巴瘤诊断中可发挥重要作用,是诊断非霍奇金淋巴瘤的重要辅助手段。 Objective:To investigate the value of flow cytometric immunophenotyping(FCI) in the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma(ML).Method: Cytopathology,histopathology,immunohistochemistry(IHC) and FCI were adopted in 128 cases with lymphadenectasis,and fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) was taken in 38 of them simultaneously.Result:42 cases of ML which contained 4 Hodgkin lymphoma(HL) and 32 non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL) were diagnosed,and there was no statistical significance between FNCA combinded with FCI and histopathology with IHC.Conclusion:FCI may play a significant role and is the essential supplementary means in the diagnosis of NHL.
出处 《交通医学》 2011年第5期443-446,450,共5页 Medical Journal of Communications
基金 淮安市科技局基金资助项目(编号HAS2009014)
关键词 流式细胞免疫表型分析 细针穿刺针吸细胞学 恶性淋巴瘤 诊断 flow cytometric immunophenotyping fine needle aspiration cytology malignant lymphoma diagnosis
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