

A WSN Energy Hole Localization Algorithm based on Network Communication Ability Graph Analysis
摘要 针对无线传感器网络中局部高流量通信任务导致随机出现的能量洞对网络寿命造成严重影响的问题,提出了一种基于节点通信能力分布图小波分析的能量洞定位算法。算法通过对网络通信能力分布图进行小波变换,基于最低频子带LL1标准差σ对网络是否出现能量洞进行判别,在此基础上对二值化的LL1进行哈夫变换,以确定网络内能量洞的具体位置及几何尺寸。通过仿真实验表明,提出的能量洞定位算法对不同位置、不同几何尺寸的随机出现能量洞,均具有较为理想的定位能力。 Energy holes caused by heavy local communication load will shorten the network lifetime greatly in Wireless Sensor Network applications.In this paper,we proposed a wavelet analysis based energy hole localization algorithm(WABEHL),which can provide geometry information of the energy holes to network energy optimization algorithms.The WABEHL algorithm localizes the energy hole by analyzing the lowest frequency sub-band LL1 of the wavelet transformed network communication ability graph,and the geometry details are decided by hough transforming the LL1 which should take a thresholding process firstly.The WABEHL shows good localization performance of energy holes under different scenarios,which is observed through extensive simulations.
出处 《装备制造技术》 2011年第12期28-30,共3页 Equipment Manufacturing Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60972146) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目
关键词 无线传感器网络 能量洞 小波变换 通信能力 网络寿命 wireless sensor network energh hole wavelet transform communication ability network lifetime
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