

Process collaboration based on automatic extraction of local ontology
摘要 针对异构系统间进行基于语义的业务协作时由人工构建局部本体较为困难的问题,利用本体技术研究了正常业务的协作集成,提出了一种从数据库中提取局部本体的方法,实现了局部本体的快速、高效的构建;提出了一种针对所提取出的局部本体同领域本体之间进行相似度计算的算法,解决了异构系统之间的语义映射问题;提出了一种基于自动提取局部本体的业务协作集成方法,基于该方法,开发了一个业务协作集成平台,通过该平台,实现了基于语义的业务协作集成。最后,通过饰品三维辅助设计系统同ERP系统的业务协作实例,验证了该方法的有效性。 In order to solve the difficuhies in manual construction of local ontology for semantical process collaboration between heterogeneous information systems, a method for extracting local ontology from relational databases is pro-posed, with which efficient results in constructing local ontology can be rapidly achieved. And an algorithm for calculating the similarity between the local ontology extracted form relational databases and the domain ontology is given, with which the semantic mapping between heterogeneous information systems can be solved. Then an approach to process collaboration based on automatic extraction of local ontology is presented, and a process collab- oration platform for integration developed based on the method is deseribed. Finally, a case of process collaboration between a three-dimensional CAD system for decorations and an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system is provided to verify the effectiveness of the approach.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期1178-1184,共7页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2009AA04Z146)和浙江省重大科技专项(2008C01038-1)资助项目.
关键词 业务协作 局部本体 本体提取 本体相似度计算 业务协作集成平台 process collaboration, local ontology, ontology extracting, calculation of ontology similarity, business collaboration platform
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