China has been carrying out 'Three-Network Convergence' for more than a year.The industry regulators,telecom carriers,industry experts and end-consumers however have different opinions on and even diametrically opposed to its effects and future prospect,like a Chinese saying goes 'everyone has their own saying(s) '.The reason is rooted in the facts that there are different starting point and different standards to determine the issues.In fact,the correct answer to these hot issues will rely on the use of objective,scientific assessment tools and the careful analysis and summary of the achievement and drawback in previous stage of trials.Compared to the subjective evaluation of the system,it will be a more scientific choice to systematically establish qualitative and quantitative evaluation system.In short termit cansignificantly guide the next phase of trial;while in long term it can enable all parties to gain a more realistic understanding about the situation of China's convergingmarket in comparison to world‘s developed countries and regions,which will help the governmentand regulators with the right decisions accordinglyto establishan orderly,open,integral and competitive environment.In addition,major market participants should try their best to make more improvements,better understand consumers and enhance their competitiveness by meeting the real needs of the market.
World Telecommunications