
图像处理中的PDE及其数值解算方法 被引量:7

Numerical Calculating Methods of PDE in Image Processing
摘要 从应用于图像平滑的偏微分方程入手,通过对Perona和Malik提出的用于保持边缘的选择性扩散模型P-M的分析,将图像处理中常用的PDE类型进行了分类;规划了热传导方程类型PDE的数值解算流程;改进了P-M模型的数值解算方法;并运用偏微分方程中最大最小值定理证明了解的稳定性。 Starting with the application in image smoothing,the PDE(Partial Differential Equations) that commonly used in image processing was classified through analyzing the selective diffusive model P-M which proposed by Perona and Malik that was used for conserving edge.The numerical calculating process summed by scholars domestic and aboard specific to the PDE belonging to the type of heat conduction equation was programmed,the numerical calculating method of model P-M was improved,and the stability of solution was proved by utilizing the theory of Maximum and Minimum of PDE.
作者 林青 秦志远
出处 《测绘科学技术学报》 北大核心 2011年第5期360-364,共5页 Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2009AA121403)
关键词 偏微分方程 数值计算 P-M模型 去噪 热传导方程 PDE(partial differential equations) numerical calculating P-M(Perona and Malik) model image smoothing heat conduction equation
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