
继承、否定抑或折衷--拉丁美洲环境教育与可持续发展教育关系浅析 被引量:2

Inheritance,Negation or a Compromise——A Study of the Relationship between Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development in Latin America
摘要 拉美地区的环境教育注重社会文化内涵,并在很多国家已经初步形成了推进环境教育的机制,而可持续发展教育目前仍在起步阶段。目前,拉美国家综合两者,提出为了可持续发展的环境教育。在拉丁美洲,环境教育与可持续发展教育本质上是一致的,可持续发展教育在全球范围内的推广促进了拉美环境教育政策的制定和执行。 In Latin America, great social importance is attached to the environmental education. A number of Latin American countries have initially formed the system of propelling the environmental education. However, the education for sustainable development is still in the beginning phase. The Latin American countries have combined the two concepts and put forward the environmental education for sustainable development. We believe that the environmental education and education for sustainable development in Latin America are essentially consistent. The worldwide promotion of the education for sustainable development has promoted the formulation and the enforcement of the policy of environmental education in Latin America.
作者 徐颖丰
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期69-73,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 环境教育 可持续发展教育 拉丁美洲 environmental education education for sustainable development Latin America
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