
杜威实用社会知识论的批判理论探究 被引量:2

Exploration on Dewey's Critical Theory of Pragmatic Social Epistemology
摘要 杜威立足于生存论的思维视域,借助于自然科学,尤其是达尔文进化论,对"知识的旁观者理论"进行了批判与解构,创立了实用社会知识论,其知识论渗透着强烈的批判性。透过这种批判性,让我们看到了现代性与后现代性这两种风格的杜威。在两个杜威之间呈现着张力和矛盾,表征着现代性的杜威高扬科学和民主,其理论走向了科学主义和自由主义;表征着后现代的杜威竖起实用主义和工具主义的大旗,批判与消解基础主义、本质主义和表象主义,其理论走向了相对主义、多元主义和偶然性。通过实用社会知识论的视域,杜威由现代性走向了后现代性,它向我们展示了实用主义的转向趋势。 Based on the view of existentialism and with the aid of natural science, especially with Darwin's theory of evolution,Dewey criticized and deconstructed Spectator theory of knowledge, and founded pragmatic social epistemology which is permeatedwith severe criticism. Through this criticism, we see Dewey's two styles, the modernity and post-modernity, which shows tension andcontradiction. Dewey's modernity uplifts science and democracy, leads his theory into scientism and liberalism. Dewey'spost-modernity raises a banner of pragmatism and instrumentalism, criticizes and dispels the foundationalism, the essentialism andthe representationalism, which leads his theory into the relativism, the pluralism and the contingency. Through the view of pragmaticsocial epistemology, Dewey marched from modernity into post-modernity, which shows us the turning trend of the pragmatism.
作者 刘宽红
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期7-12,126,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"当代美国实用主义复兴中的杜威实用社会知识论研究" 项目编号:10YJC720022
关键词 “知识的旁观者理论”批判与解构 生存论现代性与后现代性 实用主义与工具主义 Spectator theory of knowledge Criticism and deconstruction Ontology Modernity and post-modernity Pragmatism and instrumentalism
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  • 1David L. Hildebrand. Beyond Realism and Antirealism, John Dewey and the Neopragmatists, Vanderbilt University Press, 2003.
  • 2IDewey, The Need for A Recovery of Philosophy, The Philosophy of John Dewey, Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1973 : 89.
  • 3John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy(英文珍藏版),陕西人民出版社,2005.
  • 4John Dewey, Experience and Nature, Chicago: London Open Court Publishing company, 1926.
  • 5John Dewey, The Quest for Certainty : A Study for the Relation of Knowledge and Action. New York: Minton, Balch & Company, 1929.
  • 6John Mcdemott, The Philosophy of John Dewey, The University of Chicago Press, 1980.
  • 7rThomas C. Dalton, Becoming John Dewey, Dilemmas of A Philosopher and Naturalist, Indiana university Press, 2002.
  • 8Philip W. Jackson, John Dewey and the Philosopher' s Task, Teacher College Press, Columbia university,2001.
  • 9理查德·舒斯特曼.《哲学实践--实用主义和哲学生活》,彭锋等译,北京大学出版社,2002.
  • 10Bobert B. Westbrook. John Dewey and American Democracy, Comell University press, 1991.


  • 1Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. 8 vols Cambridge, Mass 1931-1958.
  • 2John Dewey: The Middle Works. Vol 5, Southern Illinois University Press.
  • 3John Dewey: The Later Works Vol 16, Southern Illinois University Press.
  • 4杜威.确定性的寻求[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2004..
  • 5John Dewey: The Later works of John Dewey, Vol 2. Southern Illinois University Press.












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