
垂直耦合结构纳米微环谐振器工艺失准分析 被引量:3

Vertical Nano-Microring Resonators with Enhanced Tolerance to Fabrication Misalignments
摘要 垂直耦合结构纳米微环谐振器是光子集成电路的重要组成单元。主要研究了与其实际制作相关的工艺失准问题。针对高折射率差波导材料垂直耦合结构纳米微环谐振器,先用耦合模理论解析方法研究了耦合系数与直波导和微环波导耦合层厚度d以及横向偏移量Δ之间的关系,为三维时域有限差分法(3D-FDTD)的精确数值计算确定了模拟范围。之后结合解析方法和3D-FDTD数值计算研究了Δ和d的制作工艺容差。研究发现,当d=30nm,偏移量Δ在130~265nm之间变化时,耦合系数始终保持在较高值,为垂直耦合结构纳米微环谐振器的工艺制造提供了很大容差,对其实际制作较有意义。 Microring resonators are key components in nowadays photonic integrated circuits. A vertical microring resonator with enhanced tolerance to fabrication misalignments is introduced. Both straight and microring waveguides are with relatively high refractive-index difference between the core and cladding, therefore the vertical microring resonator is compact and confines the power efficiently. Based on coupling mode theory, the coupling coefficient is derived as a function of the coupling layer thickness (d) and the transverse offset (Δ) between the straight and microring waveguides. The analytic solutions are used to confine the range of three-dimensional finite-different time-domain (3D-FDTD) simulations for their efficiency. In addition, the tolerance of d and Δ is studied by taking consideration of actual fabrication technology for the vertical nano-microring resonator. The analytic solutions and simulation results show that when d=30 nm, the vertical microring resonator has a large coupling coefficient even Δ is varied from 130 to 265 nm. It is verified that the vertical nano-microring resonator has enhanced tolerance to fabrication misalignments.
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期144-150,共7页 Acta Optica Sinica
基金 浙江省自然科学基金(R107377,Y1080172)资助课题
关键词 集成光学 微环谐振器 垂直耦合 工艺容差 耦合模理论 时域有限差分法 integrated optics microring resonator vertical coupling fabrication tolerance coupling mode theory finite-different time-domain method
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