
江苏东北部多方言交界地区入声的演变类型 被引量:3

Typology of the Ru tone development in the dialect border area in Northeast Jiangsu
摘要 入声的消变是汉语发展史上一个重要的语音变化现象。研究汉语古入声在现代汉语不同方言中的变化,无论是对研究汉语语音的历史还是对研究汉语方言的现状都具有重要意义。方言的地域性差异,常常是语言发展历史的投影,尤其是过渡地区的方言,许多语言现象或是产生或是消失,我们可以从这些方言共时分布的对比中看到语言发展和变化的脉络。江苏东北部的连云港市及其所辖赣榆、东海、海州、灌云等县(区),是江淮官话、中原官话和胶辽官话三种方言的交界地区,也是古入声从保留到消失的过渡地带。在这个地区,入声的变化类型、方式和走向复杂多样。从调类变化的角度,该地区可分为"北部方言"、"南部方言"、"边界方言"三种类型,此外还有两种情况需要单独讨论。从调值变化的角度,该地区可分为A/B/C/D四种类型。其中B类C类地区(包括D类)的短调和长调以及C类地区阴平、上声和入声的区别等问题需要着重讨论,并辅以语音实验的结果,说明调值现状的复杂性。此外,该地区入声韵类的归并和入声字的舒化及又读也值得重视和讨论。入声调类、调值、韵母三种变化相互关联,构成该地区入声变化的多样性特点。 Phonetic change of the Ru tone and its extinction was a significant event in the history of Chinese phonology.Therefore,investigating the development of the Ru tone in modern Chinese dialects will contribute to the historical study of Chinese phonology as well as to the present state of Chinese dialects.The geographical varieties of dialectal features usually reflect the development of language.Especially in the dialect transition zone,many varieties of linguistic features have been produced,and then have disappeared.We can reconstruct the process of language development through observing the synchronic distribution of these dialectal varieties.Lianyungang city,which locates in Northeast Jiangsu and comprises several counties under its jurisdiction,such as Ganyu,Donghai,Haizhou,Guanyun,is a dialectal border area of major dialects: Jianghuai Mandarin,Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jiaoliao Mandarin.It is also a transition area where the Ru tone is tending to disappear.In this area,we can witness various types of the Ru tone changes,which are also diversified and complex in terms of manner and direction of their changes.From the aspect of phonological category of tones,we can distinguish three types of the dialects: 'northern dialect','southern dialect' and 'border dialect',besides,there are also two situations to be discussed independently.From the aspect of phonetic value of tones,we can distinguish four types of its system: A,B,C and D.Especially we will focus on the two topics;the short tone and the long tone existing in the B and C types,besides those in the D type;the distinction of yinping,shang and ru tones.For both topics,we will demonstrate the complexity of phonetic tone values based on the results of the phonetic experiment.In addition,some related topics such as the merger of rhymes having the Ru tone,de-Ru tone changes and alternative readings are also worthy of our attention and discussion.The changes in terms of tone categories,their phonetic values as well their rhymes interrelate with each other,exhibiting the diversity of the Ru tone changes in this region.
作者 苏晓青
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2011年第6期137-141,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2007年江苏省社会科学基金项目"江苏东北部多方言交界地区入声演变类型研究"(07YYB001) 国家社会科学基金项目"江苏东北部多方言交界地区方言的语言地理学研究"(09BYY014)部分研究成果
关键词 江苏东北部 多种方言 交界地区 入声变化 Northeast Jiangsu many dialects dialect border area development of the Ru tone
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