
图书馆关联数据的综合管理及其实现 被引量:14

The Comprehensive Management and Realization of Linked Data in Library
摘要 图书馆界对关联数据的研究与应用越来越重视,对于图书馆来说,关联数据的综合管理及其实现显得非常重要。图书馆对关联数据的综合管理主要包括关联数据的挖掘、创建、关联构建、发布、浏览及链接维护等环节,图书馆关联数据的综合管理应该注意数据整合、关联数据的效用以及关联数据的安全性等。 The library scholars pay more and more attention to linked data research and application. As for library, the comprehensive management and realization of linked data seem very important. The comprehensive management and realization of linked data in library mainly conclude such aspects as linked data digging, creating, links constructing, issuing, browsing and links vindicating. Some main aspects of linked data's comprehensive management in library Should be paid attention to. They are as 1ollowings: data integration, the effect of linked data and security of linked data.
作者 孙鸿燕
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期51-54,5,共5页 Research on Library Science
关键词 图书馆 关联数据 图书馆管理 信息技术 library linked data library management information technology
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