
鄂尔多斯盆地长8油层组古地理环境与沉积特征 被引量:73

Palaeogeographic and Sedimentological Characteristics of the Triassic Chang 8,Ordos Basin,China
摘要 通过对地震、钻井资料的综合分析,认为延长组下部长8沉积时期鄂尔多斯湖盆可能不具有明显的"南陡北缓"的古地貌特征,也可能不存在大面积分布的半深湖—深湖环境。长8期湖盆古地形较为平坦,坡降不足0.1°或2m/km,气候较为干旱,湖泊水体为微咸水,水深小于10 m。具有如下特征的浅水湖泊三角洲为此时盆地的主体沉积类型:1)砂岩以中—细粒岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩为主;2)三角洲前缘延伸范围大(80~100 km),并频繁暴露;3)砂体主要为水下分支河道沉积成因;4)河口坝和重力流沉积不发育;5)吉尔伯特型三角洲具有的顶积、前积和底积三元结构在长8不发育。盆地南北古地形之间的显著差异出现在长8之后的长7早期,受印支运动及与盆地西南边缘毗邻的西秦岭强烈造山活动的影响,鄂尔多斯盆地的基底不对称挠曲变形,从而形成"南陡北缓"的盆地古地貌格局。从长7开始至晚三叠世末,盆内坡折带普遍发育,具有顶积、前积和底积三元结构的吉尔伯特型三角洲也就成为盆地内部最主要的沉积类型之一。 Data of seismic and bore hole show that the palaeotopography of the Triassic Chang 8,in the lower part of the Yanchang Formation,Ordos basin,was possibly not "steep to the south while gentle to the north" style as the previous studies suggested,and large areas of bathyal or abyssal areas were also impossible in this age.The bed form of the lake was very gentle on the basin scale with the slope angle no more than 0.1°,or 2 m/km.The climate was possibly a little dry and the mildly brackish water with depth no more than 10m was the dominant media of the sediments.Vertical or high angel burrows and root systems,coal seams or coaly mudstones and plant fossils of Neocalamites are commonly inclusions either at the edge or in the center of the basin.Shallow lacustrine delta with the following characters were well developed in this basin at that time: 1) detrital components mostly medium-fine graded lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite,2)wide delta front with 80~100 km in length and uncovered frequently to the air,3) sandstones mainly the subaqueous distributary channel deposits,4) mouthbar and the gravity flow deposits being infrequent,5) topsets,foresets and bottomsets of the Gilbert Delta not developed. Obvious difference of the slopes of the southern part and the northern part of the basin emerged in the early Chang 7,tightly following the Chang 8 in age.Triggered by the early Indosinian movement and the uplift of the west Qinling Mountains at the southwestern margin of the Ordos basin,the base of this basin was bended over unsymmetrically and the palaeotopography of the "steep to the south while gentle to the north" was generated.And from this time(Chang 7) to the end of the late Triassic slope-breaks and deltas with three elements of topsets,foresets and bottomsets were well developed in the basin.
出处 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1086-1095,共10页 Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
关键词 古地貌 浅水湖泊三角洲 长8油层组 延长组 三叠系 鄂尔多斯盆地 palaeogeography shallow lacustrine delta Chang 8 Yanchang Formation Triassic Ordos basin
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