
面向过程的创新资源集成模式研究 被引量:1

A Study of Innovating Resource Integration Model Based on Innovating Process
摘要 企业作为创新的传统主体一直受到学界和业界的重视和实践,而作为创新动力重要源泉的消费者的作用同样不容忽视,其活跃的思维方式、独特的视角在一定使能技术支持下,在产品创新过程中同样大有作为。如何将传统的企业创新资源与消费者这两种创新资源有机地集成在一起是一个现实的问题。以创新的过程作为切入点,根据创新不同阶段的特征以及对创新能力的需求,探讨了企业、消费者这两种创新资源的能力特征以及参与创新活动的形式。为实现资源的动态整合,提出了一种立体集成模式,从创新活动形式、资源主体以及创新阶段三个维度探讨了面向创新过程的资源集成方式。 Competitive advantage margin drives from innovation capability basically. Although enterprises, as traditional innovative resources, are emphasized generally, customers, as the origin of innovation, theirs strategic roles in innovating process are also recognized by researchers and entrepreneurs recently. Customers can show their potential innovative capabilities because of their agile thinking styles and particular vision angles. But how to integrate the two different innovative resources is a great challenge. With eyes on innovating process, the capability features and activity styles for the two innovation resources in innovating process are explored based on the capability requisites for innovating phrases. In order to integrate the two different resources dynamically, an integrating cube is designed definitely. According to this cube, the different innovating resources are integrated through three dimensions which are creating activity, resource style and innovating phrase.
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第23期1-3,8,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社科基金项目(11CGL030) 教育部人文社科基金项目(10YJC630289)
关键词 创新 资源 集成 innovation resource integration
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