

Design and implementation of measurement platform for P2P streaming media
摘要 P2P流媒体技术已经成为互联网中的主要应用,为了保障和优化流媒体系统的服务质量,基于LStreamP2P流媒体直播系统,设计并实现了一个分布式、可扩展的P2P流媒体测量平台。采用被动测量的方法实时监控系统关键节点的性能参数信息,同时根据系统记录的节点活动信息,统计、分析用户的网络行为,使管理人员能及时对系统进行实时监控,分析结果并反馈给系统的相应模块,实现动态拓扑调整和资源优化。实验表明,该测量平台对优化系统的服务质量提供了有效的辅助作用,有利于系统瓶颈的及时发现与预防。 P2P streaming technology has become a main application on the internet. In order to guarantee and optimize the service quality of streaming system, a distributed, scalable measurement platform based on the Lstream P2P streaming system was designed and implemented. It monitors performance parameter of key nodes by passive measurement method timely. According to the active record information of nodes, it can analyze the user's network behavior statistically. Managers can carry out real-time monitoring, analyze the results and give feedback to the corresponding module of the system, then to adjust dynamic topology and to optimize resource. Experiment shows that the measurement platform provides an effective reference to optimize service quality of the system and can detect and prevent the bottleneck of the system timely.
出处 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第A01期11-16,87,共7页 Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 河南省教育厅创新人才工程(2011HASTIT003) 河南省教育厅信息化工程项目(2008xxh001)
关键词 P2P流媒体 网络测量 实时监控 日志查询 性能分析 P2P streaming network measurement real-time monitoring log query performance analysis
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