
籽晶粘接工艺对SiC单晶生长质量的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Seed Mounting on SiC Crystal Quality by PVT Method
摘要 空洞等缺陷是SiC晶体生长中常见的缺陷之一。通过改进SiC籽晶粘接工艺,在SiC籽晶和籽晶托之间形成致密层,有效抑制了空洞缺陷的产生,改善了SiC晶体的结晶质量。采用该工艺生长的SiC晶体内已观察不到空洞缺陷,微管密度也得到抑制,晶体半峰宽40″,结晶质量良好。 The Hexgenal hole is the normal defect in the SiC crystal growth.The hexgenal hole defect is inhibited effectively by improving the SiC seed mounting method,which is informing the dense layer between the seed and the holder.The quality of crystal is improved by this method.The results show that: the Hexgenal hole defects is few to see,the FWHM is about 40 arcsec.,which shows that the quality is better.
出处 《电子工艺技术》 2011年第6期367-369,共3页 Electronics Process Technology
关键词 SIC单晶 空洞 籽晶粘接 SiC crystal Hexgenal hole Seed mounting
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