
层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料的阻燃研究及现状分析 被引量:2

Study on Fire Retardancy and Analysis of Layered Silicate Nanocomposite
摘要 聚合物/层状硅酸盐(PLS)纳米复合材料是国内外阻燃材料领域中近年来研究的热点。它满足了新型阻燃材料发展的要求,在提高阻燃性能的同时能够很少降低或者不降低材料原有的其他性能,有时甚至可以提高部分聚合物基体的机械性能、气体阻隔性能、环保性能等。本文综述了聚合物/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料的研究近况;简要介绍了该纳米复合材料的特点及阻燃性能的测试;讨论了其燃烧性能和阻燃机理;重点研究了以聚酰胺(PA)等聚合物为基质、以层状硅酸盐为无机阻燃添加剂的纳米复合材料的阻燃性能。通过与常规阻燃剂进行比较,发现聚合物/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料在阻燃性能、机械性能、加工性能和环保等方面均优于常规阻燃剂;最后本文还指出了该材料在阻燃研究中目前尚存在的问题,并对其开发应用前景进行了展望。 Polymer / layered silicate (PLS) nanocomposite is a hot research in China and abroad in field of flame-retardant materials in recent years. It meets the requirements ot the development of new flame-retardant materials. It can rarely reduce or not reduce the original other performances, while in improving the flame retardancy. Sometimes, it even can improve the mechanical properties, gas barrier properties, environmental performance of part of the polymer matrix. The recent research of polymer/layered silicate nanocomposite was discoursed and the test of the nanocomposite's characteristics and flame retardancy was described briefly. In addition, its combustion performance and flame-retardant mechanism were discussed and the flame retardancy of the nanocomposite with polyamide (PA) and other polymer as the matrix and polymer/layered silicate as the inorganic flame-retardant additive was researched. Compared with conventional flame retardants, it was found that polymer / layered silicate nanocomposite is better than conventional flame retardants in flame retardancy, mechanical properties, processing performance and environmental performance. Finally, the remaining problems of the study of the flame-retardant materials were pointed and its development and application were prospected.
作者 李倩 王立永
出处 《信息记录材料》 2011年第6期21-24,共4页 Information Recording Materials
关键词 消防 聚合物/层状硅酸盐 纳米复合材料 阻燃 fire polymer/layered silicate nanocomposite flame-retardant
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