
翻译研究的叙事学视角——以林语堂译本为例 被引量:12

A Study on Lin Yutang's Translation from the Narrative Perspective
摘要 叙事学的"认知论转向",带来了语言学模式在近年来叙事研究中的复兴。叙事理论一旦与翻译结合,我们就能够审视翻译在对超越时空和文本的叙事的阐释中所起的特别作用。本文分析了林语堂采用"时空框架设定"的手法,采用时空转换的大框架来选择和翻译中国传奇的大手笔和叙事策略。林语堂在翻译《英译重编传奇小说》和《古文小品译英》的过程中,从选材到英文语言的表达,都紧紧围绕"现代性"来定位和重新定位源语叙事文本的各种变量,创造出了为西方读者乐于接受的叙事文本。通过序言这种伴随文本的形式,林语堂重新定位译者和原叙事作者、译者和读者的关系。体裁的变化也是翻译影响叙事的一种策略,译诗时采用何种体裁主要取决于两种因素,即译入语的文化因素和译者的目的。 "The cognitive turn" has brought about the linguistic paradigm in narrative studies. When the narrative is adopted in translation studies, it will enable us to look at the extraordinaIT role that translation plays in interpreting narrative text over time and space. This paper demonstrates how Mr. Lin Yutang uses the strategy of temporal and spatial framing in choosing and translating texts for famous Chinese short stories. It has been established that Mr. Lin, when working on Famous Chinese Short Stories and the Importance of Understanding, centers his theme around the modernism in materials and accordingly determines the parameters in the source narrative in terms of his language in translation. His creative narrative texts have been hailed by western readers. He further succeeds in adjusting the relations between the translator and source narrator, translator and the reader through the use of paratexts such as prefaces and notes. Genre change is also a strategy for the translator to influence the narrative. Choice of genre in translating poems depends upon two ib^etors : the culture of the target language and the goal of the translator.
作者 黄海军 高路
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2011年第4期90-94,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 浙江省社科规划办课题"叙事视角下的翻译研究"的成果 项目编号:08CGWW014YBX
关键词 叙事 翻译研究 框架设定 伴随文本 体裁 narrative translation studies framing paratexts genre
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