在北大西洋流域,大气氮沉降(AD-N)源自北美和西欧的污染源,这些污染源从工业革命开始急剧增长(5~10倍)并且在地理上和沉降量上持续增长。依据本次研究的估计,AD-N的流量(11.2Tg N/a)占NAO中总的'新'氮或人为产生的氮流量的46%~57%。氮流动的生态学影响与富营养化有关,这可以通过有害(毒性,引发缺氧,食物网的改变)藻类暴发(HABs)来证明。在此,我们研究了有记载的北大西洋中来源于AD-N的'新'氮的沉降负荷导致HAB频率明显增加与其他AD-N对海洋生态系统影响间在概念上的潜在相关性。
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (AD-N) to the North Atlantic Ocean (NAO) basin arises from pollution sources in Niorth America and Western Europe; these sources have increased drastically (5-10-fold) since the Industrial Revolution and continue to increase in both geographic and depositional magnitude. Based on the estimates in this study, AD-N flux (11.2 Tg N yr-1) accounts for 46-57% of the total 'new' or anthropogenic nitrogen flux to the NAO. The ecological impacts of this N flux have been linked to eutrophication, which may be manifested most noticeably as harmful (toxic, hypoxia-inducing, food web-altering) algal blooms (HABs). Here, we examine the potential conceptual link between 'new' N loading from AD-N to apparent increases in HAB frequency documented for the North Atlantic and other AD-N impacted marine ecosystems.